How to Unlock Warmind Khanjali Artifact in Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy

It’s been a month since the release of Destiny 2 latest Season, Season of the Worthy. However, it is still becoming a mystery for gamers to be revealed. The game is totally different from its previous season, a special thanks to Bungie for it. Artifacts are the new aspect of the Destiny 2 world that demands to be unveiled by the gamers.

One of the most secret concealing Artifact is Warmind Khanjali. Gamers have to unlock this Artifact as it is one of the required tasks to be accomplished. Through the medium of this blog, we are going to help the gamers with a piece of information about Artifacts alongside we are going to mainly focusing on Warmind Khanjali Artifact. Make sure to read the article carefully to avail of the best outcomes.
Warmind Khanjali Artifact
The world of Destiny 2 is ceased to be demolished by the external forces in a battle of time. Gamers need to be extra cautious as this is the time to learn the defences of Rasputin. Alongside this, there is a specific task available for gamers to get in contact with Warmind. The task is known as Rising to Rasputin, in which gamers need to clean out all the bunkers to set up a communication system.
The major motive of unlocking of these artifacts is to obtain legendary items in the game. Thus, the artifacts are a major source of attaining legendary weapon at the time of the battle. Warmind Khanjali Artifact is one of the main power sources of the legendary weapon as it is one of the latest and most advanced. Thus, it is advisable for all the gamers of Warmind Khanjali to accomplish the unlocking process of subsequent Artifact. Here’s a guide to brief out the gamers specifically about how to unlock the Warmind Khanjali Artifact.
How to Unlock New Warmind Khanjali Artifact
The gamers first need to accomplish the unlocking process of Seraph Bunkerto get WarmindKhanjali. They need to first visit the European Deadzone area, and once the gamers reached the mentioned location, then they have to find the Tower of Zavala. Once the gamers reached the Tower of Zavala, then they have to interact with it. Soon they start interacting with the Tower; the unlocking of Seraph Bunker will be completed.
Thereafter, the gamers will face another challenge, which is to complete the quest to Raising The Defences. Gamers need to visit the subsequent location to complete this quest, and once they reached there, then they need to go to Mars. Once the gamers reached Mars, then they have to look for Ana Bray.
Gamers need to start interacting with Ana Bray. Soon, the gamers will see that Ana Bray is giving them a task of collecting of 20 light orbs alongside eight orbs to start. The gamers need to complete the subsequent task, and once they accomplish the quest of Ana Bray, then they need to complete another challenge, which is Into the Mindlab. The gamers need to complete this task; however, it is hard to accomplish, but in two or three tries, gamers will easily finish it. Once the gamers complete the subsequent task, then they will be given the Artifact of Warmind Khanjali as a reward.
Gamers need to be pretty aware as unlocking the subsequent Artifact is special. Gamers can easily take Warmind Khanjali Artifact to the multiplayer gameplay. The world of Destiny 2 has been changed a lot after the arrival of its new season, Season of the Worthy. Thus, it is the ideal time for those gamers to get back to the virtual world of Destiny2 as now the game is providing one of the best gaming experiences amongst other first-person shooter games.
Destiny 2 is one of the popular games in its segment, although, in recent days, it has lost numerous gamers. The fact behind this significant loss is not to provide any new changes or update to the game. However, Bungie again starts focusing upon Destiny 2, and the newly arrived update is the proof of it.
Gamers who had stopped playing Destiny 2 should bring and witness its experience on PS4, GoogleStadia, Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Blair Lennon is a McAfee expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, she has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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