Fortnite Chapter 2: How to Find the Hidden Back Bling in Fortnite’s Chaos Rising Challenge

Every gamer must be aware of Fortnite letter challenge as it is now on the last letter E. After attaining the letter E; players will get access to a new character. These rewards also include unlocking a new vault, which contains several items, locations, and much more. The much excites the player for the unlocks of the latest Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1Sarona Skin.

Players are keen to unlock the Sarona skin, but this can only happen after completing all the challenges in the Chaos Rising. The new screen that will appear after completing all challenges will reveal the secrets that can lead to Sarona’s skin and her Back Bling. The blog has all the necessary information required to locate Sarona skin and her Back Bling.
Finding Back Bling and Sarona Skin
There are several items required to unlock the Sarona Skin in Fortnite chapter 2 such as a few sets of gears within the Map. Make sure you input and locate the exact codes as written below and here are the location coordinates of several Sarona items:
  • Use the Map and locate the code H1/ H2 andG1/ G2, this will head you towards Back Bling of Sarona.
  • Locate the code H7/ H8 and G7/ G8in the Map, and this will head you towards pickaxe of Sarona.
  • Navigate at the North-side of Steamy Stacks that lies on the beach, and this will head you towards Skin of Sarona.
How to Reach Back Bling
Above we have discussed the location codes of the Back Bling but if you are facing difficulty in locating these codes, then follow the steps below:
  • Make sure the player has to wear Sarona Skin to unlock the Back Bling.
  • Now, on the beach, you need to track 3 rocks along with the built toilet; these rocks indicate the Back Bling.
  • After this, you have successfully attained Back Bling, and if you want to attain some hidden treasures and gems in the sea, then it is recommended that you should go fishing.
  • After the player has successfully attained the Back Bling, he/she should equip the Sarona skin in the menu. Fortunately, you have attained hidden and rare items of Fortnite even before they have loaded in the running version.
We hope that this blog will help you in locating Back Bling and Sarona Skin and make sure you follow all the steps correctly, especially the location of the code. Although there are several more hidden gems in Fortnite, we only focused on these two because they are in much demand and are quite popular. Those who are not able to use these steps can thoroughly read them again and try to apply one more time. In case you have tried to execute these multiple times, and they won’t work out, then don’t feel sad and wait till the new update brings these two gems.
Blair Lennon is a Internet Security expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, she has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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