Borderlands 3: How to Get Porcelain Pipe Bomb

Most of the Borderlands 3 fans are familiar with the Porcelain Pipe Bomb because, in the previous version of this game, the bomb has attained huge infamy. This infamy is being gathered by a bug which had granted this weapon with enormous powers that can thrash any enemy in one shot. It is quite shocking to hear that a bug has availed the players, and thus now the bug has been fixed by the developers.

However, it is still quite powerful to standalone, among other lethal weapons of this game, especially its grenade damage. If you have witnessed its super amazing power before and would like to attain it in your game, then below, we have provided a proper workaround which will lead you successfully to the Porcelain Pipe Bomb.
The first step for this process begins with the visiting of the players to Eden-6 and accomplishing the Ambermire‘s Going Rogue task. Once players complete this mission, then they can head towards a quest, which is known as Raiders of the Lost Rock. This quest can be located in Floodmoor Basin“s Town of Reliance.
After this, players need to complete Raiders of the Lost Rock‘s quest. They can accomplish it by returning back to the Ambermire and keep on moving straightly on the path until you successfully encountered mini-boss and involved in the fight against him. After completing this task, players need to visit Dr. Miles Brown in Reliance location, where they can attain the Porcelain Pipe Bomb as a reward.
As we have already discussed above, the Porcelain Pipe Bomb, how the game developers had nerfed its power and efficiency. So there are also possibilities that Gearbox will demolish the power of this version of the Porcelain Pipe Bomb because it is the best resort to kill the bosses of the game in no time. Now, it is highly recommended to use this resort as fast as possible before Gearbox includes or deplete Porcelain Pipe Bomb abilities.
Although it is an inbuilt aspect of the game due to some flaws and tricks, it is being used to reduce the game’s difficulty. We hope that this blog will serve you properly, and you would definitely attain the Porcelain Pipe Bomb, thus kill the boss quickly. If you are new to the world of Borderlands 3 and would like to witness its gaming experience, then you can play this game on PS4, Google stadia, and Xbox One.
Blair Lennon is a Internet Security expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, she has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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