“It’s Not the Time to Celebrate” – Google Postpones the Launch of Android 11 Beta
If you have Pixel 2XL and are eagerly waiting for the latest version of the Android 11 Beta, then there is news for you. Initially, this version is expected to launch in May. The company was going to launch the latest version in the conference of the Google I/O Developers, but due to the ongoing pandemic, Google has cancelled this conference. Officially, Google has announced that they have planned to delay the launch of the Public beta Android 11 version. They are going to announce all the major and latest Android updates through a live streaming event. Even in a tweet, they have announced this news with a statement – “Now is not the right time to celebrate.” Google had made this announcement after seeing the protests that were going around in the United States. The protests are happening over the death of an unarmed black man, named George Floyd, who was killed by a white police officer. Google Had Planned to Launch The Android 11 On June 3 Originally, Google scheduled t...